In the popular television show, Modern Family, Jay and Gloria are raising two children. One son, Manny, is Gloria’s child from a previous relationship, but was raised primarily by Jay and Gloria. Their younger son, Joe, is Jay and Gloria’s biological child. If something were to happen to Jay, and…
Joint Tenancy Problems If A Couple Dies Simultaneously
Assume Jack and Jill are married and involved in an unfortunate car accident. Jill has 2 children from a previous marriage, and Jack has no children. Jill passes away immediately, and Jack passes away at the hospital a day later. What happens to the married couple’s estate in a situation…
School is out, and summer is in full swing for many San Diego families. For many, summer brings fun family outings and vacations. At times, this means children get to travel to stay with grandparents or other family members, without mom and dad. And occasionally, mom and dad are able…